The first few days of November are always hard for me. In 2003, just after I arrived in Germany, I read an email that changed my life. My good friend and ex-boyfriend, Tyson Bullock had been killed in an accident as a result of drinking and driving. Turns out, just a few days before that, my good friend Dave Mickelson had also died. He had falllen asleep at the wheel and survived the accident but died of a stroke at the hospital. I lost two young vibrant amazing friends in less than a week because of people driving irresponsibly.
There are 3 things I have learned from these accidents and I want to share them with you because you NEVER know when something might happen to someone you care about.
1. NEVER drive if you have been drinking and NEVER get in a car with someone else behind the wheel who has been drinking.
2. NEVER drive while drousy. Pull over and nap if you have to.
3. ALWAYS wear a seatbelt. It could possibly save your life.
A good friend of mine lost her brother October 30 to a car accident. He was a DC police officer with a family. Rest in peace Tyson, Dave, and Paul. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Now, on a happier note, I would like to tell you about some HAPPY memories I have of Tyson and Dave. Some of you were there so I hope this brings back good memories :)
The first time I hung out with Tyson some friends and I went to his house. His dad was asleep so we quietly watched tv and talked. Then a Boystown National hotline commercial came on and we somehow (and stupidly) got the idea to prank call them. Tiffany pretended to be a suicidal teenager and when the operator realized she wasn't serious she called the cops on us. While it was a stupid thing to do, we formed strong friendships that night.
Another, and my most favorite memory, is when Tyson came over to meet my family. My family was getting ready for church when Tyson got there. My dad always liked to mess with my boyfriends so he yelled "Honey bring me a beer!" (Joking of course) and Tyson said "I like him already" then my dad yelled "...And my shot gun" and Tyson said "I don't like him anymore!" I laughed so hard :)
Tyson was always such a gentleman and such a sweet person. It really was a tragedy when he was taken from this Earth.
I have so many memories with Dave in them I don't know how to choose. Everytime I walked into GNC in the Pine Ridge Mall, he was there working. We hung out almost every weekend for a long time. We would always go do crazy things like go to Ross Park after dark and play hide and seek or go play on an elementary school playground at night. He wasn't afraid of anything.
Dave was also a gentleman and he was loved by everyone. Rumor has it that when he wrecked he was on his way home from proposing to his girlfriend. I can't imagine being proposed to and losing your fiance in the same day.
I don't remember ever meeting Paul, but I can't even imagine losing a sibling. Trying to be there for my friend and seeing what she is going through has really opened my eyes. I hope I don't ever have to go through that.
Davy, Josh, Chelsie, and Nicholya, Celeste, and Doug know that I love you and am so grateful to have you in my life. I am thankful for every day as your sister (or sister in law) and for every memory with you in them.
Let the ones you care about know you love them. You never know when they will be gone. And PLEASE be careful on the road and drink responsibly.
Thanks for reading, Allison