Sunday, February 13, 2011

A bone to pick with facebook stauses...Rated PG13 for L

Before I begin this post, I just want to say that if it offends you and you want to know if it is about you, send a message to my facebook inbox and I will tell you. I don't say things about other people that I wouldn't say to their face if asked. Its an honesty policy I have for myself.

On that note, let me just say that I love facebook. I love reading about peoples lives and staying in touch with people that I otherwise wouldn't. People are inspirational, funny, and there when you need them. But...not every facebook status/post is one of those things. Some are annoying, hurtful, and vague.

I know I am guilty of sometimes posting vague statuses. But I ALWAYS answer questions to explain myself. It is SO annoying when people post a vague status and when people ask for an explanation they don't give it. Who do you think you are? You may think that you are intriguing people, but in reality you are frustrating them.

Not EVERY status you post is going to be as epic as you think it is. Some people only post things that they think are going to change the world and then get disappointed when no one comments.
I have respect for posts with shock value and humor that are life changing, but if no one gets it because its an inside joke (inside you only), it wont be what you want it to be. From my experience people like it more when you post something they can relate to anyway. It gives you that extra connection between friends...

Stop posting about things that are too much information. No one wants to know when you have cramps. No one wants to know about your vomit or bowel movements. Thats just fucking disgusting. Seriously.

The "woe is me" statuses are annoying too. Its one thing if you really need help from your friends. Its another when there is something wrong with you EVERY DAY. No one likes it when you complain all the time. Seriously find something to be happy about. If you can't, see a therapist. Stop bringing everyone else down too. That is selfish.

This last complaint needs to be explained thouroughly because I know it will hurt some peoples feelings. So here goes...If you know me, really know me, then you know the battle I have been fighting with fertility. So when you complain about your pregnancy it is like a HUGE slap in the face. I would give ANYTHING to go through what you are going through and would never dream of complaining about such a beautiful special experience. This complaint is mostly for the pregnant women who consider me a close friend and have seen what I have gone through. Those who don't know, I really have no expectations for. BUT just know that I am not too proud to admit that I am insanely jealous of anyone who can have kids and it breaks my heart when people complain or do things to their bodies that they shouldn't when they are pregnant. I know that women don't get pregnant to "spite" me and usually I can be genuinely happy for those who are. BUT if you complain about it is hard for me to stay happy for you. So please count yourself lucky and enjoy every minute of it, because I can't.

So there it is... if you wanna know if this is about you...just ask... hope you all have a fantastic week!