Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!! For me it wasn't too happy because I am pretty sure I had Pneumonia. I have never been that sick and it was miserable. I am better and I am starting my resolutions a few days late.

As always I am going to try and lose weight. The difference this year is that I have come to terms that my body will never be what society wants it to be so I am concentrating more on beng healthy and bettering my strength and balance.

Secondly I am going to save money. For now all of my tips are going in a jar labeled "baby fund." Its for in vitro or adoption. When the jar is full it will go into a savings acount, but for now it sits on my end table motivating me. I also explained to my coworkers why I am "so damn happy all the time." Really I am happy at work because I want better tips....for my jar...for my baby.

My last resolution is kind of general. I want to be a better person. There was this study done on suicidal teens and the ethics committee was concerned that if you asked teenagers if they thought about suicide that it would inplant the idea in their heads. In actuality it had the opposite effect. It saved some of them from killing themselves because they felt like someone cared about them by asking them those questions. You never know whose life you may save by asking how someone is doing or picking up the phone or smiling. I want to be the best person I can with the hopes of helping others.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2011!!! I am so grateful to have such wonderful family and friends :)

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