Friday, July 23, 2010

A new blog......welcome! Rated PG 13 for L :)

I once wrote a paper on blogging for school, and when I was doing my research I came across some pretty interesting stuff. I learned that there are many different reasons that people blog. Some people blog for attention-those would be the ones who talk about their nasty diseases and sex life and such. Some people blog to keep a journal. Some people blog because writing is therapeutic. Some people blog because they know they will probably never get published for anything else, and the internet provides instant gratification. The last 2 are combined for me. I LOVE to write and put my thought into words, and I know that realistically I will never get anything I write published. So welcome to my therapy! :)

My blog is going to be mostly venting. Kind of like on Family Guy when Peter does that bit on the local news called, "Grinds my Gears." I will discuss certain topics, and every now and then I will throw in a movie review. Maybe I will even throw in some poetry once in a while.....I love writing poetry. But before you become a "follower" I will tell you a little about myself.

I really came into my own over the last few years. Call it growing up, getting married or whatever you want, but I am finally happy with who I am and will never try to be someone else ever again. I wouldn't want to. I know what I want in life, and have the confidence to work towards those goals. And as they say, "Knowing is half the battle." Like I said though it wasn't always that way.

Elementary school was great for me. I was smarter than most kids my age and had lots of friends. I generally didn't get picked on until I grew boobs before everyone else...

Junior High was terrible, as it is for most people. I was so scared the first year, that I stayed in one hallway, and didn't speak to anyone older than me for the first while. Then I made some friends and wasn't scared anymore, but was very confused, and got in lots of trouble :) I look back in my memory and remember my firsts of everything. Smoking, drug experimentation, drinking, and boys. I dressed in baggy Jnco pants and hoodies and hung out with all of the other rebelious kids. By the time I left Junior High I was back to dressing more feminine...thank God! Ha ha. I had also had way too many boyfriends for my age, and a bad reputation, but then I didn't care.

When I got into High School, I made friends with all kinds of kids. I still partied, and still had boyfriends. I dated mostly college guys and guys who lived out of town. I didn't want any awkwardness in my groups of friends. Istill didn't know who I really was and still cared what people thought. I never finished highschool. I got spent a year on my own between jobs and ended up back at my parents house. Then I got my GED, and joined the Army.

Looking back at my time in the army, I was sick a lot, and pretty lazy. If I could go back, there are so many things I would change. I would try much harder to make the best of make the best of me. I did get a husband out of it though, and lots of life experience!

My husband and I have been married for 6 yrs now, and everything is wonderful. We both have developed into good strong people and love each other more everyday. It wasn't always easy, in fact, some times we loved to hate each other, but thats what is to be expected when you get married after 2 months of dating. We always have been there for each other though and we will be until "death do us part."

After all of this growing up and life experience, here is what I have learned:

1. I don't care what other people think-I only care how I feel about myself and my actions.

2. Honesty is always best-even if it hurts-and it will sometimes.

3. I can't be afraid to go after what I want-and confidence is the best personality trait I have.

4. I stopped being envious of others and learned to appreciate what and who I have in my life.

5. Laugh. It makes you live longer, and is contagious. You can't go around being mad or sad all of the time because it will consume you.

.....and lastly BE YOURSELF!....everyone else is taken, and you will enjoy life much easier knowing you don't have to try so hard!

Well this is me, and when I post in the future, you will understand what I say because you know more about me :) Happy Friday Everyone!

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