Saturday, September 11, 2010

A lil bit of everything

This blog is going to be about a few different topics……
Here we go….On the anniversary of a terrible event; we remember exactly where we were that morning, what we were doing, and the thoughts that went through our heads. Some of us rushed to call loved ones while many of us stared horror struck at TVs. As a nation, it brought us closer together, brought out the patriotism in all of us. And it lasted for a while. Until we had a “bad” president. Until we elected a new “bad” president. When things go bad for our country we tend to let our patriotism slip, and that should never be the case. We should always be proud to be Americans. We should always remember those lost and those still fighting. Even when we are in a recession, and other aspects of our lives may be bad, never forget those lost or fighting…..

Next, I want to say something about religion. I don’t belong to any religion, and I don’t imagine I will anytime soon. I don’t have anything against those of you who do belong to a religion, especially because I think religion is good for society. Now with that said….I do have things that I do “religiously.” One of these things is football. I don’t know how many of you were following my fb page the night of the BSU/VA Tech game, but it got ugly. This asshole deleted me because the team I said would win, won. He was such a terrible sport that he couldn’t handle the loss, and a WOMAN being right about football. He did keep his promise to delete me, and now he can terrorize someone else’s page LOL. He can call them names and insult them and hate them based on who they root for. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for supporting your team, but don’t attack other people based on theirs. And get your facts straight if you are going to start an argument. That said, GO STEELERS! And BSU I am so proud of you!!!

Next, I would like to talk about pets being family members. My 2 dogs and cat are my babies. Since I can’t have kids, they are all I have. My heart breaks when they are sick or when they have nightmares. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have laughed because of them. I am a much happier person with them in my life, and can’t imagine a life without them in it. Once, someone lost our dog, lied about how it happened, and then left before we found her. We still don’t let this person come to our house because of this. If she would apologize, for lying especially, we could try and fix things because this person is family. That day was terrible for us. I have never seen my husband more upset, than that day when he thought his baby was lost forever. Thank GOD we found her!!! On that note, Happy Birthday to Clark, my cat, he is 1.

Lastly, a friend of mine, who I have quoted before, wrote me an email expressing anger about parents who have kids and then don’t want to spend time with them. She is like me, in that she can’t have kids, but she has adopted three and she is a teacher. She thought I should blog about this, but I think her email says it all:

"Here's one for your blog...I want to post on FB but not brave enough. If I had a blog, this would be it.

There is a mom in my group, who I love, but she was asked about being class mom for her daughter's class. She has 3 kids, only one will be home next year as the others will be in all day school. She said NO because she needed "me" time. I posted that this is a great opportunity to do something special for your daughter blah blah blah, and was BLASTED as trying to guilt her into doing it.

So my point is this...WHY do people have kids when all they complain about once they have them is having to be WITH them? I would give my eye tooth to have a situation where my husband made enough money to stay home, and so would he! So why do these lazy [BITCHES] complain about all they have to do? Walk in my would be thrilled to be able to spend every moment with your kid. They have no idea what it's like to not have ME time.

Now, I am off to be with my kids. "

She is right. Why have kids, then not want to spend time with them. It’s one thing to need some alone time once in a while, because EVERYONE needs alone time ONCE IN A WHILE, but don’t deny your children in doing so.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and thanks for letting me vent!

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