Thursday, April 21, 2011

Venting....Rated PG-13 for L

So for those of you that have known me since I was little, you probably remember me losing my voice. For those that haven't seen me go through this, I always lose my voice in Idaho (where I am from) especially in the Winter. Sometimes for months at a time and sometimes causing me breathing problems. Well I am currently suffering from the voice/breathing problems. Yes, I know: I am in in Virginia and it is Spring. What the HELL???? So since I can't vent well with my voice and since I haven't written a blog in a goes...

So smoking always has helped with my voice/breathing issues. I know that sounds fricken nuts, but it is true. BUT I haven't smoked in 20 I really don't want to start again, and I am in need of a little moral support. It is VERY stressful not being able to breath normally and not be able to talk or sing. It effects so much in my life, with little to no it is bringing me down a lot. I am seeing a doc for treatment that isn't working and hoping this goes away on its own.

Since I am suffering from something I usually suffer when I visit home, naturally I am a little more home sick than normal. Especially this weekend.....My AMAZING, HARD-WORKING, LOVING DAD TURNS 50 TOMORROW!!!!!! And I can't be there :( Soooooo.....if you see him, wish him a Happy Birthday and give him shit for being OVER THE HILL. Love ya Dad!!!!

As most of you know, I deleted a lot of my friends from facebook. I really needed to do some housekeeping and I am glad I did. It felt great to get rid of the stupid bitches who cause drama or only take pictures of themselves in the "duck face" pose, or the family member who clearly drank during her pregnancy and caused her child to have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or people who I honestly don't care to talk to...because they are lousy at conversation and don't really matter to me. I want to surround myself with supportive, positive, family and friends. I already have way too much negativity in my life to hang on to people like that.

Additionally, I HATE this semester. Sometimes I want to give up because it is boring, tedious, and stressful. If I didn't have my friend Carrie suffering with me, and my husband supporting me....I might have called it quits. So thanks Carrie and Chris!!! Love you guys!!! On a positive note, I am registered for Fall and then Spring will be a breeze, then GRADUATION!!Yay!!!

So I am sure you have been reading my posts about Applebee's. This is what I learned: Make sure you know what a company's "quitting policy" is. If I had known that I was quitting immediately when I gave 3 weeks notice, then I would have quit 3 weeks later. ;) Also, not everyone qualified to be a General Manager is honest. Mine lied to my face. Just because someone is in charge, doesn't mean they should be.

Currently I am looking for a good Summer job....I am hoping to work with kids over the Summer and I have a few options, but I don't want to Jinx it, so I will let you know when it happens or when I decide.

Basically what I have to say today is THANK YOU to my family and friends. You are an amazing support system. Idaho people, I miss you, and Dad Happy Birthday. Oh and if anyone feels neglected by my lack of phone calling or skyping....its honestly because I can't talk. Promise. Anyway, thanks for reading! Have a fantastic weekend!!! Love, Allison

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