Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A little bit of everything...

Hey all! Happy Hump Day :)

I am sure you are all aware that Bin Laden was killed and I know we are glad he isn't a threat anymore. If you believe in hell, he will get what is coming for him. I imagine it is like in the movie Little Nicki when Hitler wears a French maid outfit and gets pineapples shoved in his ass every day lol. Anyway, this kind of has to do with something I want to talk about anyway...

Steriotypes. We all like to think that we don't have them, but we do. They are called schemas. Our brain automatically uses them to fill in the blanks whenever we don't know a lot about something or someone. I have them, I wont lie, and you shouldn't lie either. What I am most concerned about is automatically judging people based on their religion and political affiliation. Just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean they are bad. Recently I have recieved emails and such talking trash on the Muslim religion. I am not Muslim and I don't necessarily agree with it, but I go to school with Muslim people and have Muslim friends, so it can be offensive. They aren't all terrorists. I can't believe I even have to say that!!! We are all guilty of steriotypes, but we can all try to overcome them by getting to know someone on an individual basis before making assumptions....

Next, I want to discuss my current goals. I am willing to listen to any feedback if this sounds ridiculous or even if it sounds like a good plan... I want to lose 50 lbs, and before you say that is too much, know that even though I don't look it, I weigh 200. (Yes I just admitted my weight for all of you to see, I know, I am nuts! Ha ha) So this is really a realistic goal. BUT, because I know that muscle weighs more than fat, I would also be happy with dropping 4 pant sizes (technically its 2 in womens). I plan on working out 5 days a week at least. 3 days cardio, 2 weights and light cardio. I also plan on counting calories and trying to eat healthy. Since my target weight is 150 I will be taking in no more than 1500 calories a day. If I can, I will supplement protein shakes for meals and have healthy snacks. But we will see about that last part....I do love food :)

Anyway, if you have suggestions I am all for it!

This blog was short and sweet, just wanted to make a point and explain my plan. Enjoy the rest of your week! Thanks, Allison

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