Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Day At A Time.

Hey all. I know it has been a while so I have decided to write. In fact, I have quite a few things to discuss and most of them are life changing...

As most of you know, I left my husband Chris about a month ago. We have been married for 7 1/2 years so this was the hardest thing I have ever done. Since this is mostly none of your business as to why we split, I will just tell you how I am doing. Since I have always been a very independent person, most days are not bad for me. It is easy for me to just be responsible for me and do what I need to do. I do occasionally have a bad day and on those days I miss him so much it is hard to breathe. We aren't officially divorcing yet as we see how the next few months play out. He is still my very best friend and we still talk regularly.

I am currently staying with my sister and her husband and they have been wonderful to me. I will never forget how they have stepped up to help me through this trying time. I try to pull my weight around the house so I don't wear out my welcome and I am loving the time I share with my sister. I feel us growing closer every day.

As far as jobs go, I got my first job 2 weeks ago at Bannock House. This is a halfway house/shelter/foster home for teenagers. I am finding that I like this job very much and it is very fulfilling. While it tries my patience sometimes, I find that the kids are opening up to me and benefitting from living here. Just tonight I stopped a resident from running away and/or killing herself. I am very proud of myself for that. I wasn't sure I would know how to handle that kind of situation if it came up, and it seems I am a natural :). I was going to work for another program through Bannock Youth Foundation called "Baby Steps" which is for pregnant women and women with children under 18 months. You help them to be better mothers. I was going to take this job but decided that I wouldn't have enough empathy and sincerity to tell a woman nicely to stop smoking or drinking while pregnant among other things. I just couldn't see myself being calm and collected around women harming themselves and their children. So....I interviewed at a few other places and decided to accept a position at J.C. Penney's in the Misses Dept. I am already loving it as well (along with my 20% discount).

As far as health goes, I have a cold, but that is far less than I expected working around kids and being back in Idaho.

Speaking of being back in are probably wondering how that feels for me since I tried so hard and so many times to leave here. Honestly it took swallowing my pride to move back here but I really love having my support system (although there are some family members I could care less to have back in my life) the sense of community, and everything I need is within a 15 min drive. I miss my husband, my pets, most of my inlaws, my house, my friends, and the entertainment opportunities I had in Virginia, but I am doing ok and keeping in touch the best I can. Also, since I have been back, I have heard about a Native American curse about leaving Pocatello. Supposedly if you don't take some Pocatello dirt with you when you leave, you will eventually come back. So when I leave again eventually, I will definitely remember to take some dirt with me, haha. On a serious note though, I will be highly upset the first time it snows, and probably through the whole winter.

I do have a 4 wheel drive vehicle now though, thanks to my awesome Aunt Fawn who is selling me her 2002 Ford Explorer, which I already love. Other than the gas milage, it is perfect for me!

One problem I have had since leaving Virginia is manipulative people. People who try to buy love or attention or who do whatever they can to get their way, even if it hurts others along the way. I have absolutely no tolerance for this, even if you are family. BECAUSE you are family, you should care even more about hurting me, but obviously you don't. So I want NOTHING from you and you don't get included in the good things that happen for me.

On a last and HAPPY note, football season has officially begun and I feel like this will be a good season. So far I have enjoyed watching games with my family and can't wait for tomorrow when the Steelers play the Ravens. I will be staying awake after my graveyard shift to watch this game and I will be at my grandparents house. Im soaking in all the time I can with them before they move to Arizona on the 1st of October.

So on that note, hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend! And GO STEELERS!!!!!!

Love, Allison

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