The first few days of November are always hard for me. In 2003, just after I arrived in Germany, I read an email that changed my life. My good friend and ex-boyfriend, Tyson Bullock had been killed in an accident as a result of drinking and driving. Turns out, just a few days before that, my good friend Dave Mickelson had also died. He had falllen asleep at the wheel and survived the accident but died of a stroke at the hospital. I lost two young vibrant amazing friends in less than a week because of people driving irresponsibly.
There are 3 things I have learned from these accidents and I want to share them with you because you NEVER know when something might happen to someone you care about.
1. NEVER drive if you have been drinking and NEVER get in a car with someone else behind the wheel who has been drinking.
2. NEVER drive while drousy. Pull over and nap if you have to.
3. ALWAYS wear a seatbelt. It could possibly save your life.
A good friend of mine lost her brother October 30 to a car accident. He was a DC police officer with a family. Rest in peace Tyson, Dave, and Paul. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Now, on a happier note, I would like to tell you about some HAPPY memories I have of Tyson and Dave. Some of you were there so I hope this brings back good memories :)
The first time I hung out with Tyson some friends and I went to his house. His dad was asleep so we quietly watched tv and talked. Then a Boystown National hotline commercial came on and we somehow (and stupidly) got the idea to prank call them. Tiffany pretended to be a suicidal teenager and when the operator realized she wasn't serious she called the cops on us. While it was a stupid thing to do, we formed strong friendships that night.
Another, and my most favorite memory, is when Tyson came over to meet my family. My family was getting ready for church when Tyson got there. My dad always liked to mess with my boyfriends so he yelled "Honey bring me a beer!" (Joking of course) and Tyson said "I like him already" then my dad yelled "...And my shot gun" and Tyson said "I don't like him anymore!" I laughed so hard :)
Tyson was always such a gentleman and such a sweet person. It really was a tragedy when he was taken from this Earth.
I have so many memories with Dave in them I don't know how to choose. Everytime I walked into GNC in the Pine Ridge Mall, he was there working. We hung out almost every weekend for a long time. We would always go do crazy things like go to Ross Park after dark and play hide and seek or go play on an elementary school playground at night. He wasn't afraid of anything.
Dave was also a gentleman and he was loved by everyone. Rumor has it that when he wrecked he was on his way home from proposing to his girlfriend. I can't imagine being proposed to and losing your fiance in the same day.
I don't remember ever meeting Paul, but I can't even imagine losing a sibling. Trying to be there for my friend and seeing what she is going through has really opened my eyes. I hope I don't ever have to go through that.
Davy, Josh, Chelsie, and Nicholya, Celeste, and Doug know that I love you and am so grateful to have you in my life. I am thankful for every day as your sister (or sister in law) and for every memory with you in them.
Let the ones you care about know you love them. You never know when they will be gone. And PLEASE be careful on the road and drink responsibly.
Thanks for reading, Allison

Friday, November 5, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A lil bit of everything

This blog is going to be about a few different topics……
Here we go….On the anniversary of a terrible event; we remember exactly where we were that morning, what we were doing, and the thoughts that went through our heads. Some of us rushed to call loved ones while many of us stared horror struck at TVs. As a nation, it brought us closer together, brought out the patriotism in all of us. And it lasted for a while. Until we had a “bad” president. Until we elected a new “bad” president. When things go bad for our country we tend to let our patriotism slip, and that should never be the case. We should always be proud to be Americans. We should always remember those lost and those still fighting. Even when we are in a recession, and other aspects of our lives may be bad, never forget those lost or fighting…..
Next, I want to say something about religion. I don’t belong to any religion, and I don’t imagine I will anytime soon. I don’t have anything against those of you who do belong to a religion, especially because I think religion is good for society. Now with that said….I do have things that I do “religiously.” One of these things is football. I don’t know how many of you were following my fb page the night of the BSU/VA Tech game, but it got ugly. This asshole deleted me because the team I said would win, won. He was such a terrible sport that he couldn’t handle the loss, and a WOMAN being right about football. He did keep his promise to delete me, and now he can terrorize someone else’s page LOL. He can call them names and insult them and hate them based on who they root for. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for supporting your team, but don’t attack other people based on theirs. And get your facts straight if you are going to start an argument. That said, GO STEELERS! And BSU I am so proud of you!!!
Next, I would like to talk about pets being family members. My 2 dogs and cat are my babies. Since I can’t have kids, they are all I have. My heart breaks when they are sick or when they have nightmares. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have laughed because of them. I am a much happier person with them in my life, and can’t imagine a life without them in it. Once, someone lost our dog, lied about how it happened, and then left before we found her. We still don’t let this person come to our house because of this. If she would apologize, for lying especially, we could try and fix things because this person is family. That day was terrible for us. I have never seen my husband more upset, than that day when he thought his baby was lost forever. Thank GOD we found her!!! On that note, Happy Birthday to Clark, my cat, he is 1.
Lastly, a friend of mine, who I have quoted before, wrote me an email expressing anger about parents who have kids and then don’t want to spend time with them. She is like me, in that she can’t have kids, but she has adopted three and she is a teacher. She thought I should blog about this, but I think her email says it all:
"Here's one for your blog...I want to post on FB but not brave enough. If I had a blog, this would be it.
There is a mom in my group, who I love, but she was asked about being class mom for her daughter's class. She has 3 kids, only one will be home next year as the others will be in all day school. She said NO because she needed "me" time. I posted that this is a great opportunity to do something special for your daughter blah blah blah, and was BLASTED as trying to guilt her into doing it.
So my point is this...WHY do people have kids when all they complain about once they have them is having to be WITH them? I would give my eye tooth to have a situation where my husband made enough money to stay home, and so would he! So why do these lazy [BITCHES] complain about all they have to do? Walk in my would be thrilled to be able to spend every moment with your kid. They have no idea what it's like to not have ME time.
Now, I am off to be with my kids. "
She is right. Why have kids, then not want to spend time with them. It’s one thing to need some alone time once in a while, because EVERYONE needs alone time ONCE IN A WHILE, but don’t deny your children in doing so.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and thanks for letting me vent!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
You can miss what you have never had.
* First of all if you offend easily, please do not read this post. It includes many strong opinions of mine, and some vulgar language. Also, if you do read this and do not agree with my opinions, please don't try and argue with me. You chose to read it, I did not force my opinions on you, so please don't force yours on me. With that we go!
A good friend of mine said "whoever said that you can't miss what you never had, clearly has never been infertile," and she is absolutely right. As women who can't have kids we miss out on so much more than someone who can have kids, even thinks about. Other than the obvious-carrying a child composed of your and your significant others DNA, experiencing childbirth, breastfeeding, and having a child that you can call your own, there is so much more that we are missing out on. I would give anything to feel a child kick in my belly, I would give anything to see an ultrasound of my unborn child, I would be eternally grateful to puke my guts out everyday if I knew it was morning sickness! I would love to have my ankles swell and waddle like a penguin or to be able to shop for maternity clothes. Also, when you adopt, you may have missed out on a lot of the baby's development because of the age that the baby is when you adopt it. Things like first smiles or giggles or rolling over or even teething. The good friend that I have already quoted' has adopted three boys.....and even though she loves them as much, if not more, than any normal mother, she still feels a little pain when the doctor asks for something as simple as birth weight, and she doesn't know the answer because she wasn't there. I cry every month. Every time that period shows up I bawl my eyes out. Even though I know the chances of me being pregnant this month are .01%, I will get my hopes up and analyze every possible symptom and get let down. It is my own fault for getting my hopes up, but there is nothing in the world that I want more, so I can't help it. I know that someday, whether it is through In Vitro, or adoption I will get to experience being a mother, but until then I will continue this cycle of monthly suffering.
Now that you know what pain I go through every month, you might be able to understand how I could get so upset when people who don't deserve kids, get kids. I get so damn angry about this topic, because clearly I am passionate. Sometimes I even wonder if there is a higher power or God because of who he let's have children. I am a good person and will be a good mother and provide a good stable home for my children, and yet some druggie, or prostitute, or abusive person, or even completely broke person gets to have kids and I don't. What am I supposed to believe after what I see? Nothing pisses me off more than seeing children in the system because of abuse or neglect or because their parents do drugs. Children are innocent and don't deserve that. I HATE seeing a pregnant person smoke or drink. You are deliberately hurting the child growing inside you, and you shouldn't be a parent. You have no idea what damage you are causing. I have seen babies come out looking like raisins or a 2 yr old who has to have oxygen and asthma treatments because his mom smoked when she was carrying him. If you drink while you are pregnant, I hate you. That's all there is to it.... Years ago, kids were being misdiagnosed with ADHD and other mental disorders, when really it was Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Doctors have gotten better with their diagnosing, but children's brains are still damaged. What pisses me off is that even pregnancy books say that you can have a glass or 2 of wine with dinner while you are pregnant, yet doctors can't tell you the exact amount of alcohol that causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. So that glass or 2 you drink, can still cause neurological and developmental problems in your baby. Basically STOP SMOKING AND DRINKING IF YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!! Don't even get me started on doing drugs while you are pregnant.....imagine my anger times a million. And I don't want to hear how hard it is to quit smoking. I quit exactly one year ago today. Happy Quit Smoking Anniversary to ME!!!! I quit cold turkey, after 11 years of smoking and I did it to be healthier. If I had found out I was pregnant before then, I would have quit that exact second, because I would never ever want to harm my child. All it takes is WILL POWER. Trust me, I know, I quit all on my own!
* Now before I get on this next topic, I want to make it known that I do understand accidents happen, and people can't help certain circumstances. I am only bitching about people who can help what they do, and choose not to. If you can't afford to have a child, and by that I mean that if you have no job or are already on any kind of welfare, you should not be getting pregnant. For starters you are taking taxpayers money to live off of, and second if you are that broke, what kind of environment are you bringing a child into? I want to give a child a home where we can afford toys and tools for learning. I don't ever want to worry about my child being cold or hot or going without baths because I can't pay my bills. On top of everything else, if you are stressed about money or anything for that matter, your kids will notice. Kids feed off of your emotions. Honestly I could take out a $20,000 loan for In Vitro RIGHT NOW, but I wont, even though a child is what I want most. Why? Because then we would be struggling financially and I wouldn't finish school in the time I want to. So that would mean I would mess up our future and a child's because we would be having a welfare baby. So already, I am looking out for the best interest of my future children. Oh and the last thing I ever want to hear is that you couldn't afford birth control. BIRTH CONTROL IS FREE. That is why they have places like Planned Parenthood or Health and Welfare. Abstinence is always an option too. I'm just saying....There are soooooo many ways to prevent pregnancy.
Before I finish, I just want to say that I do know that bad stuff happens to bad people. This isn't directed at anyone who has had children but lost their job or any circumstance like that. This is directed at lazy, pathetic people who have no ambition and think kids are accessories or ways of getting money from the government. Some people even have kids for attention. Pathetic. Also, if you were on birth control and somehow got pregnant I am in no way mad at you. Clearly you are meant to have a baby right now :)
As you can tell, this is something I feel very strongly about. I want to scream at people who don't deserve kids, to give their baby to me. Especially the ones who have abortions. But THAT is a whole new topic. I will gladly take in a child that you don't want and give them a good home.
Now that I got that off of my mind, here is a quick movie review: Expendables gets 4 1/2 out of 5 stars from me. It was exactly what you expected going in, it was full of action, explosions, and bad ass men kicking ass. There was even pretty good acting. The only thing I thought was missing was more love story, but that is the woman in me speaking :) Have a good week everyone and thanks for listening to me vent!
A good friend of mine said "whoever said that you can't miss what you never had, clearly has never been infertile," and she is absolutely right. As women who can't have kids we miss out on so much more than someone who can have kids, even thinks about. Other than the obvious-carrying a child composed of your and your significant others DNA, experiencing childbirth, breastfeeding, and having a child that you can call your own, there is so much more that we are missing out on. I would give anything to feel a child kick in my belly, I would give anything to see an ultrasound of my unborn child, I would be eternally grateful to puke my guts out everyday if I knew it was morning sickness! I would love to have my ankles swell and waddle like a penguin or to be able to shop for maternity clothes. Also, when you adopt, you may have missed out on a lot of the baby's development because of the age that the baby is when you adopt it. Things like first smiles or giggles or rolling over or even teething. The good friend that I have already quoted' has adopted three boys.....and even though she loves them as much, if not more, than any normal mother, she still feels a little pain when the doctor asks for something as simple as birth weight, and she doesn't know the answer because she wasn't there. I cry every month. Every time that period shows up I bawl my eyes out. Even though I know the chances of me being pregnant this month are .01%, I will get my hopes up and analyze every possible symptom and get let down. It is my own fault for getting my hopes up, but there is nothing in the world that I want more, so I can't help it. I know that someday, whether it is through In Vitro, or adoption I will get to experience being a mother, but until then I will continue this cycle of monthly suffering.
Now that you know what pain I go through every month, you might be able to understand how I could get so upset when people who don't deserve kids, get kids. I get so damn angry about this topic, because clearly I am passionate. Sometimes I even wonder if there is a higher power or God because of who he let's have children. I am a good person and will be a good mother and provide a good stable home for my children, and yet some druggie, or prostitute, or abusive person, or even completely broke person gets to have kids and I don't. What am I supposed to believe after what I see? Nothing pisses me off more than seeing children in the system because of abuse or neglect or because their parents do drugs. Children are innocent and don't deserve that. I HATE seeing a pregnant person smoke or drink. You are deliberately hurting the child growing inside you, and you shouldn't be a parent. You have no idea what damage you are causing. I have seen babies come out looking like raisins or a 2 yr old who has to have oxygen and asthma treatments because his mom smoked when she was carrying him. If you drink while you are pregnant, I hate you. That's all there is to it.... Years ago, kids were being misdiagnosed with ADHD and other mental disorders, when really it was Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Doctors have gotten better with their diagnosing, but children's brains are still damaged. What pisses me off is that even pregnancy books say that you can have a glass or 2 of wine with dinner while you are pregnant, yet doctors can't tell you the exact amount of alcohol that causes Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. So that glass or 2 you drink, can still cause neurological and developmental problems in your baby. Basically STOP SMOKING AND DRINKING IF YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!! Don't even get me started on doing drugs while you are pregnant.....imagine my anger times a million. And I don't want to hear how hard it is to quit smoking. I quit exactly one year ago today. Happy Quit Smoking Anniversary to ME!!!! I quit cold turkey, after 11 years of smoking and I did it to be healthier. If I had found out I was pregnant before then, I would have quit that exact second, because I would never ever want to harm my child. All it takes is WILL POWER. Trust me, I know, I quit all on my own!
* Now before I get on this next topic, I want to make it known that I do understand accidents happen, and people can't help certain circumstances. I am only bitching about people who can help what they do, and choose not to. If you can't afford to have a child, and by that I mean that if you have no job or are already on any kind of welfare, you should not be getting pregnant. For starters you are taking taxpayers money to live off of, and second if you are that broke, what kind of environment are you bringing a child into? I want to give a child a home where we can afford toys and tools for learning. I don't ever want to worry about my child being cold or hot or going without baths because I can't pay my bills. On top of everything else, if you are stressed about money or anything for that matter, your kids will notice. Kids feed off of your emotions. Honestly I could take out a $20,000 loan for In Vitro RIGHT NOW, but I wont, even though a child is what I want most. Why? Because then we would be struggling financially and I wouldn't finish school in the time I want to. So that would mean I would mess up our future and a child's because we would be having a welfare baby. So already, I am looking out for the best interest of my future children. Oh and the last thing I ever want to hear is that you couldn't afford birth control. BIRTH CONTROL IS FREE. That is why they have places like Planned Parenthood or Health and Welfare. Abstinence is always an option too. I'm just saying....There are soooooo many ways to prevent pregnancy.
Before I finish, I just want to say that I do know that bad stuff happens to bad people. This isn't directed at anyone who has had children but lost their job or any circumstance like that. This is directed at lazy, pathetic people who have no ambition and think kids are accessories or ways of getting money from the government. Some people even have kids for attention. Pathetic. Also, if you were on birth control and somehow got pregnant I am in no way mad at you. Clearly you are meant to have a baby right now :)
As you can tell, this is something I feel very strongly about. I want to scream at people who don't deserve kids, to give their baby to me. Especially the ones who have abortions. But THAT is a whole new topic. I will gladly take in a child that you don't want and give them a good home.
Now that I got that off of my mind, here is a quick movie review: Expendables gets 4 1/2 out of 5 stars from me. It was exactly what you expected going in, it was full of action, explosions, and bad ass men kicking ass. There was even pretty good acting. The only thing I thought was missing was more love story, but that is the woman in me speaking :) Have a good week everyone and thanks for listening to me vent!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Anything you can do, I can do better.....Rated PG13 for L
Have you ever seen someone do something and thought "I could do that better!"? Normally it is completely ridiculous stuff for me. Like when I am watching football and the receiver misses or drops a pass, I yell at the TV "I could have caught that you idiot!" when in reality, I definitely could not have. Can you imagine me with full pads on trying to catch a football in the NFL? Ha ha it would be fun to see, but VERY unlikely :)
Sometimes I KNOW I can do better. Espescially when it comes to customer service. Nothing pisses me off more than a waiter, or cashier, or phone rep who is rude or obnoxious. Your job is to smile and be friendly and help people so that they want to give you a good tip and come back to your place of business. I don't care if you're having problems at home or having a bad day. I was always taught to leave your problems at home. Besides, if you fake smile enough they evenually turn into real smiles and are contagious. You will have a better day just from pretending you are in a good mood.
One thing that really amazes me, is the difference in customer service in different geographic locations. In Germany, it isn't customary to leave a tip, because it is included in your check, and waiters/waitresses were always trying really hard to do a good job. They even smiled and worked through the language barriers.
We live on the East Coast and let me tell you.....I could choke the assholes in customer service here! The other night we went out to eat and our waiter didn't check on our drinks, didn't smile, took forever with our check and then was nice at the end, thinking he would get a better tip that way. Not to mention 3 other people brought our food out at different times.....Then there was the incident on Saturday night. It was about 2 am, and we were hungry so we stopped at McDonalds. This McDonalds wasn't serving breakfast until 3 and wouldn't serve the dollar menu that late. We thought that sucked but we ordered meals because we were still hungry. I ordered nuggets and ranch dipping sauce. They didn't bother to tell us they were out of ranch. Then as we were pulling out of the drive thru, I realized there was no ranch in our bag. Chris got out of the car and went and asked them for ranch and they said they were out. Chris basically asked him why they didn't tell us that when we ordered and the guy got pissed. Chris and the drive thru guy started yelling at each other and then as Chris was walking away the guy came to the door and was trying to get Chris to fight him, but he was trying to get Chris to come inside so that HE wouldn't get in trouble. Chris knew better so he tried to get the guy to come outside and the guy opened the door with a KNIFE in his hand.....Chris was going to kick his ass anyway, but then 2 cop cars pulled up. Chris decided he would just tell the cop what happened, assuming he would take care of it since there was a weapon involved, but NO the flippin cop was too damn HUNGRY to do anything, so we left. Those incidents happened in ONE weekend!!!
Those are just recent experiences, there have been so many times that we have just left a restauraunt because the service is so bad. The West Coast, even just the West side of the country is sooooooo much better. Really. It is a difference of night and day! We just recently took a trip to Vegas and Idaho and in both of those places, and in between, we only had one bad experience in 2 weeks! I am not even kidding, we didn't even know how to react! Chris even turned to me one day, while we were going through a drive thru in Idaho, and asked me why they weren't being rude. I reassured him it was a good thing, and that it was because of our location. Ha ha. The only place in Idaho that was TERRIBLE was Elmers. Never going back there again!
So basically, if you work in cutomer service in Idaho, Utah, or Nevada, you are doing a great job! Keep it up! If you work in customer service on the East Coast, put a damn smile on your face and be nice to people!!! You will be amazed at how your day can change by just being nice!
Take care everyone and try and get through your Monday!!!
Sometimes I KNOW I can do better. Espescially when it comes to customer service. Nothing pisses me off more than a waiter, or cashier, or phone rep who is rude or obnoxious. Your job is to smile and be friendly and help people so that they want to give you a good tip and come back to your place of business. I don't care if you're having problems at home or having a bad day. I was always taught to leave your problems at home. Besides, if you fake smile enough they evenually turn into real smiles and are contagious. You will have a better day just from pretending you are in a good mood.
One thing that really amazes me, is the difference in customer service in different geographic locations. In Germany, it isn't customary to leave a tip, because it is included in your check, and waiters/waitresses were always trying really hard to do a good job. They even smiled and worked through the language barriers.
We live on the East Coast and let me tell you.....I could choke the assholes in customer service here! The other night we went out to eat and our waiter didn't check on our drinks, didn't smile, took forever with our check and then was nice at the end, thinking he would get a better tip that way. Not to mention 3 other people brought our food out at different times.....Then there was the incident on Saturday night. It was about 2 am, and we were hungry so we stopped at McDonalds. This McDonalds wasn't serving breakfast until 3 and wouldn't serve the dollar menu that late. We thought that sucked but we ordered meals because we were still hungry. I ordered nuggets and ranch dipping sauce. They didn't bother to tell us they were out of ranch. Then as we were pulling out of the drive thru, I realized there was no ranch in our bag. Chris got out of the car and went and asked them for ranch and they said they were out. Chris basically asked him why they didn't tell us that when we ordered and the guy got pissed. Chris and the drive thru guy started yelling at each other and then as Chris was walking away the guy came to the door and was trying to get Chris to fight him, but he was trying to get Chris to come inside so that HE wouldn't get in trouble. Chris knew better so he tried to get the guy to come outside and the guy opened the door with a KNIFE in his hand.....Chris was going to kick his ass anyway, but then 2 cop cars pulled up. Chris decided he would just tell the cop what happened, assuming he would take care of it since there was a weapon involved, but NO the flippin cop was too damn HUNGRY to do anything, so we left. Those incidents happened in ONE weekend!!!
Those are just recent experiences, there have been so many times that we have just left a restauraunt because the service is so bad. The West Coast, even just the West side of the country is sooooooo much better. Really. It is a difference of night and day! We just recently took a trip to Vegas and Idaho and in both of those places, and in between, we only had one bad experience in 2 weeks! I am not even kidding, we didn't even know how to react! Chris even turned to me one day, while we were going through a drive thru in Idaho, and asked me why they weren't being rude. I reassured him it was a good thing, and that it was because of our location. Ha ha. The only place in Idaho that was TERRIBLE was Elmers. Never going back there again!
So basically, if you work in cutomer service in Idaho, Utah, or Nevada, you are doing a great job! Keep it up! If you work in customer service on the East Coast, put a damn smile on your face and be nice to people!!! You will be amazed at how your day can change by just being nice!
Take care everyone and try and get through your Monday!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
A new blog......welcome! Rated PG 13 for L :)
I once wrote a paper on blogging for school, and when I was doing my research I came across some pretty interesting stuff. I learned that there are many different reasons that people blog. Some people blog for attention-those would be the ones who talk about their nasty diseases and sex life and such. Some people blog to keep a journal. Some people blog because writing is therapeutic. Some people blog because they know they will probably never get published for anything else, and the internet provides instant gratification. The last 2 are combined for me. I LOVE to write and put my thought into words, and I know that realistically I will never get anything I write published. So welcome to my therapy! :)
My blog is going to be mostly venting. Kind of like on Family Guy when Peter does that bit on the local news called, "Grinds my Gears." I will discuss certain topics, and every now and then I will throw in a movie review. Maybe I will even throw in some poetry once in a while.....I love writing poetry. But before you become a "follower" I will tell you a little about myself.
I really came into my own over the last few years. Call it growing up, getting married or whatever you want, but I am finally happy with who I am and will never try to be someone else ever again. I wouldn't want to. I know what I want in life, and have the confidence to work towards those goals. And as they say, "Knowing is half the battle." Like I said though it wasn't always that way.
Elementary school was great for me. I was smarter than most kids my age and had lots of friends. I generally didn't get picked on until I grew boobs before everyone else...
Junior High was terrible, as it is for most people. I was so scared the first year, that I stayed in one hallway, and didn't speak to anyone older than me for the first while. Then I made some friends and wasn't scared anymore, but was very confused, and got in lots of trouble :) I look back in my memory and remember my firsts of everything. Smoking, drug experimentation, drinking, and boys. I dressed in baggy Jnco pants and hoodies and hung out with all of the other rebelious kids. By the time I left Junior High I was back to dressing more feminine...thank God! Ha ha. I had also had way too many boyfriends for my age, and a bad reputation, but then I didn't care.
When I got into High School, I made friends with all kinds of kids. I still partied, and still had boyfriends. I dated mostly college guys and guys who lived out of town. I didn't want any awkwardness in my groups of friends. Istill didn't know who I really was and still cared what people thought. I never finished highschool. I got spent a year on my own between jobs and ended up back at my parents house. Then I got my GED, and joined the Army.
Looking back at my time in the army, I was sick a lot, and pretty lazy. If I could go back, there are so many things I would change. I would try much harder to make the best of make the best of me. I did get a husband out of it though, and lots of life experience!
My husband and I have been married for 6 yrs now, and everything is wonderful. We both have developed into good strong people and love each other more everyday. It wasn't always easy, in fact, some times we loved to hate each other, but thats what is to be expected when you get married after 2 months of dating. We always have been there for each other though and we will be until "death do us part."
After all of this growing up and life experience, here is what I have learned:
1. I don't care what other people think-I only care how I feel about myself and my actions.
2. Honesty is always best-even if it hurts-and it will sometimes.
3. I can't be afraid to go after what I want-and confidence is the best personality trait I have.
4. I stopped being envious of others and learned to appreciate what and who I have in my life.
5. Laugh. It makes you live longer, and is contagious. You can't go around being mad or sad all of the time because it will consume you.
.....and lastly BE YOURSELF!....everyone else is taken, and you will enjoy life much easier knowing you don't have to try so hard!
Well this is me, and when I post in the future, you will understand what I say because you know more about me :) Happy Friday Everyone!
My blog is going to be mostly venting. Kind of like on Family Guy when Peter does that bit on the local news called, "Grinds my Gears." I will discuss certain topics, and every now and then I will throw in a movie review. Maybe I will even throw in some poetry once in a while.....I love writing poetry. But before you become a "follower" I will tell you a little about myself.
I really came into my own over the last few years. Call it growing up, getting married or whatever you want, but I am finally happy with who I am and will never try to be someone else ever again. I wouldn't want to. I know what I want in life, and have the confidence to work towards those goals. And as they say, "Knowing is half the battle." Like I said though it wasn't always that way.
Elementary school was great for me. I was smarter than most kids my age and had lots of friends. I generally didn't get picked on until I grew boobs before everyone else...
Junior High was terrible, as it is for most people. I was so scared the first year, that I stayed in one hallway, and didn't speak to anyone older than me for the first while. Then I made some friends and wasn't scared anymore, but was very confused, and got in lots of trouble :) I look back in my memory and remember my firsts of everything. Smoking, drug experimentation, drinking, and boys. I dressed in baggy Jnco pants and hoodies and hung out with all of the other rebelious kids. By the time I left Junior High I was back to dressing more feminine...thank God! Ha ha. I had also had way too many boyfriends for my age, and a bad reputation, but then I didn't care.
When I got into High School, I made friends with all kinds of kids. I still partied, and still had boyfriends. I dated mostly college guys and guys who lived out of town. I didn't want any awkwardness in my groups of friends. Istill didn't know who I really was and still cared what people thought. I never finished highschool. I got spent a year on my own between jobs and ended up back at my parents house. Then I got my GED, and joined the Army.
Looking back at my time in the army, I was sick a lot, and pretty lazy. If I could go back, there are so many things I would change. I would try much harder to make the best of make the best of me. I did get a husband out of it though, and lots of life experience!
My husband and I have been married for 6 yrs now, and everything is wonderful. We both have developed into good strong people and love each other more everyday. It wasn't always easy, in fact, some times we loved to hate each other, but thats what is to be expected when you get married after 2 months of dating. We always have been there for each other though and we will be until "death do us part."
After all of this growing up and life experience, here is what I have learned:
1. I don't care what other people think-I only care how I feel about myself and my actions.
2. Honesty is always best-even if it hurts-and it will sometimes.
3. I can't be afraid to go after what I want-and confidence is the best personality trait I have.
4. I stopped being envious of others and learned to appreciate what and who I have in my life.
5. Laugh. It makes you live longer, and is contagious. You can't go around being mad or sad all of the time because it will consume you.
.....and lastly BE YOURSELF!....everyone else is taken, and you will enjoy life much easier knowing you don't have to try so hard!
Well this is me, and when I post in the future, you will understand what I say because you know more about me :) Happy Friday Everyone!
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